Uzbekistan Overflight Permits Procedures

 Uzbekistan country has its own set of rules, regulations and procedures for permits to aircraft wishing for landing or even entering their air space, whether you’re operating a private, charter flight, scheduled or non-scheduled operation, passengers or cargo trip, a technical or traffic landing, Prior Permission is mandatory required the application procedures requiring complete flight information and Aircraft documents.

According to Uzbekistan CAA AIP any aircraft owner/operator intent to fly in Uzbekistan airspace request has to submit for Uzbekistan overflight clearance to air transport department at least 48 working hours prior from flight departure schedule. Always include AFTN on your flight plan, but you’ll only need an overfly permit from Uzbekistan.

Planning to make a passenger flight landing or technical stop, Uzbekistan Airports Authority have their own regulations regarding the issuance of flight Uzbekistan Overflight permit as there is generally a payment involved. The charges normally payable would be the Route Navigation Facility Charges for overflight and also landing and parking charges in case of aircraft making halts.

Uzbekistan is a signatory to the Chicago Convention therefore the conditions of flights and crews should strictly be compliant with ICAO general rules of international air traffic and in accordance with their regulation for transport of troops, equipment, materials and dangerous goods, please write us for more detail information.

Required Details for Obtaining Uzbekistan Overflight Permit

1 - Flight Schedule
2 - Entry / Exit Points with ATC Route
3 - Lead Passenger Details
4 - Consignee & Consigner Details for Cargo Flights
5 - Aircraft Documents [ AOC, COA, COI, CON, COR]

Overflight Permits Category’s for Adhoc and Private

1 - Overflight Permits (Charter Passenger Flights)
2 - Overflight Permits (Private Passenger Flights)
3 - Overflight Permits (Non-Schedule Cargo Flights)

Overflight Permits Category’s for Block :

1 - Monthly Block Overflight Permits (For Scheduled and Non-schedule Airlines Flights)
2 - Seasonal Block Overflight Permits (Scheduled Commercial Airlines Flights)

Permit Validity

- Uzbekistan Overflight Permit is normally valid for 72 hours.

Overflight Permit Charge's

We do not charge any type of hidden cost in Civil Aviation Permit Processing Cost and Uzbekistan Overflight Permits Procedures. Our fee is straight and direct without any additional fees in Uzbekistan Overflight Permit We do not require large upfront deposits or commitments. We strive to develop long term relationships and we work hard to earn your referrals. Besides receiving essential financial monthly reports these very particular customers expect to entirely rely on professional teams and they offer just that. This trust is earned through our administrative and financial control, as well as our services standards of work.

Uzbekistan Flight Information Region :

Uzbekistan Airspace is divided into 03 Flight Information Regions (FIRs)

1 - Nukus (UTNR) FIR

2 - Samarkand (UTSD) FIR

3 - Tashkent (UTTR) FIR

Uzbekistan country has its own set of rules, regulations and procedures for permits to aircraft wishing for landing or even entering their air space, whether you’re operating a private, charter flight, scheduled or non-scheduled operation, passengers or cargo trip, a technical or traffic landing, Prior Permission is mandatory required the application procedures requiring complete flight information and Aircraft documents.

According to Uzbekistan CAA AIP any aircraft owner/operator intent to fly in Uzbekistan airspace request has to submit for Uzbekistan overflight clearance to air transport department at least 48 working hours prior from flight departure schedule. Always include AFTN on your flight plan, but you’ll only need an overfly permit from Uzbekistan.

Planning to make a passenger flight landing or technical stop, Uzbekistan Airports Authority have their own regulations regarding the issuance of flight Uzbekistan Overflight permit as there is generally a payment involved. The charges normally payable would be the Route Navigation Facility Charges for overflight and also landing and parking charges in case of aircraft making halts.

Uzbekistan is a signatory to the Chicago Convention therefore the conditions of flights and crews should strictly be compliant with ICAO general rules of international air traffic and in accordance with their regulation for transport of troops, equipment, materials and dangerous goods, please write us for more detail information.

Required Details for Obtaining Uzbekistan Overflight Permit

1 - Flight Schedule
2 - Entry / Exit Points with ATC Route
3 - Lead Passenger Details
4 - Consignee & Consigner Details for Cargo Flights
5 - Aircraft Documents [ AOC, COA, COI, CON, COR]

Overflight Permits Category’s for Adhoc and Private

1 - Overflight Permits (Charter Passenger Flights)
2 - Overflight Permits (Private Passenger Flights)
3 - Overflight Permits (Non-Schedule Cargo Flights)

Overflight Permits Category’s for Block :

1 - Monthly Block Overflight Permits (For Scheduled and Non-schedule Airlines Flights)
2 - Seasonal Block Overflight Permits (Scheduled Commercial Airlines Flights)

Permit Validity

- Uzbekistan Overflight Permit is normally valid for 72 hours.

Overflight Permit Charge's

We do not charge any type of hidden cost in Civil Aviation Permit Processing Cost and Uzbekistan Overflight Permits Procedures. Our fee is straight and direct without any additional fees in Uzbekistan Overflight Permit We do not require large upfront deposits or commitments. We strive to develop long term relationships and we work hard to earn your referrals. Besides receiving essential financial monthly reports these very particular customers expect to entirely rely on professional teams and they offer just that. This trust is earned through our administrative and financial control, as well as our services standards of work.

Uzbekistan Flight Information Region :

Uzbekistan Airspace is divided into 03 Flight Information Regions (FIRs)

1 - Nukus (UTNR) FIR

2 - Samarkand (UTSD) FIR

3 - Tashkent (UTTR) FIR

The Given Below Information Is Extracted from the Uzbekistan AIP

Flight Planning

Flights of aircraft in the airspace of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall be operated in the presence of permission for a flight operation obtained as in accordance with GEN 1.2 section of the present AIP and in accordance with flight plans accepted by ATFМ unit as set forth in present ENR 1.10 section.

The aircraft may be denied the service by ATS units if the provisions of the present AIP were broken.

Procedures for The Submission Of A Flight Plan FPL)

A flight plan shall be submitted in accordance with ICAO Annex 2, Para 3.3.1 and ICAO Doc.4444, Appendix 2 prior.

Time Of Submission

A flight plan shall be submitted at least 30 min prior to departure.

Place Of Submission

The ATC FPL and all ICAO FPL associated messages (DLA, CHG, DEP, ARR, CNL and others) must be submitted by the Aircraft Operator to all designated addresses in the Republic of Uzbekistan according to ICAO Doc 4444 PANS-ATM and present AIP requirements.

When an Aircraft Operator is unable to submit flight plan and/or associated messages solely it may be delegated to the ATS Reporting Office (ARO).In this case, an Aircraft Operator has to support ARO with FPL/associated messages on prior basis.

The Aircraft Operator may preliminarily check the availability of ATC FPL in the system remotely by the submission of the standard RQP message to ATFMU AFTN address: UTTTZDZX. It can be also done at the aerodrome of Origin via ATC unit (Delivery or Ground), by ACFT radio.

The submitted ATC FPL may be changed, canceled, delayed by the Aircraft Operator, Pilot-in-Command or his representative by the submission of standard associated messages or via aerodrome ATC unit by ACFT radio. Initially submitted ATC FPL will expire in 20 minutes after EOBT and cannot be resumed without the new submission. The Aircraft Operator, Pilot-in-Command or his representative must take action themselves to delay their ATC FPL in case of any delay longer than 20 minutes.

Operation of Repetitive Flight Plan (RPL)

Repetitive flight plans (RPL) are plans for IFR flights operated regularly on the same day(s) of each week at least 10 times or daily during a period of at least 10 days, with highly stable elements.

Repetitive flight plans cover the flight from departure aerodrome to the destination aerodrome.

The Form And Content Of Repetitive Flight Plans (RPL)

The format and content of the RPL adopted in the Republic of Uzbekistan corresponds to ICAO standards and recommendations of ICAO doc 4444 – ATM /501 “The Air Traffic Management”.

Presentation Of RPL Listings

Operators carrying out scheduled international flights in the Republic of Uzbekistan or transit flights through their airspace using RPLs shall present their RPLs as in accordance with GEN 1.2. section of the present AIP.

If the submission of RPLs is delayed the ATS units cannot guarantee the flight plan support.

RPL listings for series of flights sent to the ATFM unit later than the target date will not be accepted.

Completion Of The RPL Listing Form

RPL forms submitted to the ATFM unit, shall be completed in accordance with the recommendations of ICAO DOC 4444– ATM/501. The estimated time of entry into the airspace controlled by ATS units shall be inserted into item Q (Remarks).

Permanent Changes To RPL Listings

Changes, cancelations and etc. of RPL should be addressed to the ATFM unit in such a way as to arrive at the above-mentioned address at least 15 days prior to changes coming into force.

All changes to RPLs shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions of this AIP.

Changes Of Temporary Nature

Temporary changes concerning:

- Type of an aircraft and wake turbulence category.

- Estimated time of departure.

- True airspeed.

- Cruising level, shall be submitted with minimum delay, and at least 30 min prior to each individual flight, to the control service at the departure aerodrome. The exception is, the cruising level may be reported after establishing radio contact with the ATS unit.

If Changing:

- Aircraft identification (flight number).

- Aerodrome of departure.

- Aerodrome of destination.

- Route of flight, each operator shall present claim on execution of non-schedule flight, irrespective of on RPL submitted earlier.

Operators who have submitted an RPL shall immediately notify the ATS unit of the departure aerodrome when a specific flight is likely to encounter a delay of 20 min or more.

Note:On account of strict AFTM requirements connected with ATS, failure on the part of an operator to meet the above-mentioned provisions may lead to canceling the RPL with regard to the flight concerned.

The operator shall to notify ATS unit about cancellation of any flight with RPL, submission.

Our teams fulfill all your travel needs, leaving you feeling comfortable, safe, and contented with your trip.

Coordination Between Operator And Pilot

The operator shall take all measures to advise the pilot – in – command of any flight plan information, including permanent and single changes for the relevant flight.

Temporary Cancellation Of The Rules For Using RPLs

In the event an ATS authority is forced, due to exceptional circumstances, to temporarily cancel the use of RPLs within their area of responsibility, a notice of such cancellation shall be posted, as far in advance as possible and in the most appropriate place taking into account the situation.

Changes Of Temporary Nature

Our teams fulfill all your travel needs, leaving you feeling comfortable, safe, and contented with your trip.

ATS Reports

ATS reports concerning aircraft movement (DEP, DLA, CNL, CHG, CPL, ARR) on every individual flight contained on an RPL shall be compiled and forwarded to the appropriate ATS and ATFM units, similar to flights conducted in accordance with FPLs.

Reports on the cancellation (CNL) of a repetitive flight plan (RPL), shall be used in the situations, indicated in para 3.7.2. and addressed to ATFM and ATS units in airspace of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

After canceling an RPL on a specific flight, it is necessary to send a claim on execution of nonscheduled flight for the flight.

Addressing of Flight Plan Messages

Messages concerning the information of submitted flight plan (FPL), changes to it and also other ATS messages shall be addressed in accordance with the recommendations given in ICAO Doc 4444-ATM/501 and requirements stated in present section.

The Submission Of Messages

Messages relating to flight plan (FPL), changes to it and other ATS messages shall be submitted to the following:

1- For all aircraft flights transiting the airspace of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

• ATFM unit

• En-route ATS units (ACC, Aux.ACC)

2- For all aircraft executing flights with landing on/departing from the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

• ATFM unit


• En-route ATS units

• Aerodrome ATS units

The addresses of ATFM unit and ATS units of Republic of Uzbekistan through which the aircraft flight is operated along the flight route to which messages concerning the flight plan (FPL) and changes to it shall be submitted are given in p.3.

Addresses For The Submission Of Messages


2. IARO unit – UTTTZPZX (For all aircraft executing flights with landing on/departing from aerodromes of the Republic of Uzbekistan)


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