Belarus Overflight Permits Procedures


Belarus country has its own set of rules, regulations and procedures for permits to aircraft wishing for landing or even entering their air space, whether you’re operating a private, charter flight, scheduled or non-scheduled operation, passengers or cargo trip, a technical or traffic landing, Prior Permission is mandatory required the application procedures requiring complete flight information and Aircraft documents.

According to Belarus CAA AIP any aircraft owner/operator intent to fly in Belarus airspace request has to submit for Belarus overflight clearance to air transport department at least 48 working hours prior from flight departure schedule. Always include AFTN on your flight plan, but you’ll only need an overfly permit from Belarus.

Planning to make a passenger flight landing or technical stop, Belarus Airports Authority have their own regulations regarding the issuance of flight Belarus Overflight permit as there is generally a payment involved. The charges normally payable would be the Route Navigation Facility Charges for overflight and also landing and parking charges in case of aircraft making halts.

Belarus is a signatory to the Chicago Convention therefore the conditions of flights and crews should strictly be compliant with ICAO general rules of international air traffic and in accordance with their regulation for transport of troops, equipment, materials and dangerous goods, please write us for more detail information.

Required Details for Obtaining Belarus Overflight Permit

1 - Flight Schedule
2 - Entry / Exit Points with ATC Route
3 - Lead Passenger Details
4 - Consignee & Consigner Details for Cargo Flights
5 - Aircraft Documents [ AOC, COA, COI, CON, COR]

Overflight Permits Category’s for Adhoc and Private

1 - Overflight Permits (Charter Passenger Flights)
2 - Overflight Permits (Private Passenger Flights)
3 - Overflight Permits (Non-Schedule Cargo Flights)

Overflight Permits Category’s for Block :

1 - Monthly Block Overflight Permits (For Scheduled and Non-schedule Airlines Flights)
2 - Seasonal Block Overflight Permits (Scheduled Commercial Airlines Flights)

Permit Validity

- Belarus Overflight Permit is normally valid for 72 hours.

Overflight Permit Charge's

We do not charge any type of hidden cost in Civil Aviation Permit Processing Cost and Belarus Overflight Permits Procedures. Our fee is straight and direct without any additional fees in Belarus Overflight Permit We do not require large upfront deposits or commitments. We strive to develop long term relationships and we work hard to earn your referrals. Besides receiving essential financial monthly reports these very particular customers expect to entirely rely on professional teams and they offer just that. This trust is earned through our administrative and financial control, as well as our services standards of work.

Belarus Flight Information Region :

Belarus Airspace is divided into 01 Flight Information Regions (FIRs)

1 - Minsk (UMMV) FIR

International Trip Support Services

We provide comprehensive and personalized flight planning and trip support services to the corporate aviation industry. Our dedicated and experienced staff work together to ensure you have a smooth trip that is tailored to your particular needs. with years of international flight planning experience, the latest trip coordination technology, and a dedication to high-quality customer service, each member of our knowledgeable team is equipped with the tools to exceed your expectations.

Our proficient flight support team offering unrivalled support services to any International & Domestic Airports in Belarus along with their expertise, our permit2fly team can arrange Belarus Overflight Permits for Ad-hoc Charter Flights, Scheduled Airline Seasonal Block Permits from Civil Aviation Authority of Belarus according to their legal time frame.

Trust Permit2fly, to handle all your ground supervisory at Belarus airports and obtain Belarus overflight and Landing permit for any of your aircrafts to operate in the territory of Belarus.

About Belarus | History - Geography

Belarus, country of eastern Europe. Until it became independent in 1991, Belarus, formerly known as Belorussia or White Russia, was the smallest of the three Slavic republics included in the Soviet Union (the larger two being Russia and Ukraine).

While Belarusians share a distinct ethnic identity and language, they never previously enjoyed unity and political sovereignty, except during a brief period in 1918. Belarusian history is thus less an isolable national narrative than a study of regional forces, their interplay, and their effects on the Belarusian people. The territory that is now Belarus underwent partition and changed hands repeatedly; as a result, much of the history of Belarus is inseparable from that of its neighbors. Since independence Belarus has retained close ties to its most dominant neighbor, Russia. In 1999 the two countries signed the Union State Foundation Treaty, which aimed to create a politically integrated confederation with a common currency; the precise nature of the partnership, however, remained unclear well into the 21st century. The legacy of Belarus’s Soviet past also continued to manifest itself, both in the persistent prominence of communist political parties and in the country’s authoritarian style of government. About one-fifth of the population of Belarus resides in the centrally located capital, Minsk, a sprawling modern city that was almost entirely rebuilt after its near destruction in World War II.

The Given Below Information Is Extracted from the Belarus AIP

Flight Planning

Procedures for The Submission of a Flight Plan (FPL)

FPL shall be submitted in accordance with ICAO Annex 2, Para. 3.3.1, prior to operating:

a- any IFR/VFR flight or portion thereof to be provided with air traffic control service;

b- any IFR flight outside controlled airspace

c- any flight within or into designated areas, or along designated routes, when so required by the appropriate ATS authority to facilitate the provision of information, alerting and search and rescue services.

d- any flight within or into designated areas or along designated routes, when so required by the appropriate ATS authority to facilitate co-ordination with appropriate military units or with ATS units in adjacent States in order to avoid the possible need for interception for the purpose of identification.

e- any flight across national borders.

Time Of Submission

FPL shall be submitted at least 3 hours before EOBT for any non-scheduled international flight with/without landing at Belarus international airports.

For transit international flights if the Operator signed a Contract on providing non-scheduled flights with BELAERONAVIGATSIA SOE the flight plan shall be submitted at least 60 minutes before EOBT.

Place Of Submission

Aircraft operators shall submit their IFR or IFR/VFR (mixed) FPL and associated messages (e.g. CHG, DLA, CNL) directly to FCCC, Minsk ACC and airport concerned.

FPL and associated messages shall be submitted at the Air Traffic Services Reporting Office (ARO) of the departure aerodrome.

Alerting service is provided to flights for which a flight plan has been submitted. Contents and form of a flight plan ICAO FPL forms are available at ARO’s and airport offices at uncontrolled aerodromes. The instructions for completing those forms shall be followed.

FPL concerning IFR flights along ATS routes should not include FIR-boundary estimates. Inclusion of FIR-boundary estimates is, however, required for off-route IFR flights and international VFR flights.

When FPL is submitted by telephone, teletype or fax, the sequence of items in FPL form shall be strictly followed.

Adherence to ATS route structure

No FPL shall be filed for routes deviating from the published ATS route structure unless prior permission has been obtained from the Belarus ATC authorities.

Permissions For Flights

Before submitting FPL the Operator conducting international flight should receive permission in accordance with Medical, SAR flights can submit FPL without prior permission.

Item 18 of FPL

In item 18 of FPL indicate name of the flight operator and permission number.

Repetitive Flight Plan System (RPL)

The procedures concerning the use of Repetitive Flight Plans (RPL) conform to ICAO Doc 7030.

RPL lists relating to flights in and to flights overflying the Minsk FIR shall be submitted at least 14 days in advance to FCCC addresses indicated in GEN 1.1.

Changes and cancellations of RPL

Permanent changes of approved RPL shall be submitted at least 7 working days prior to the operation of flights to the addresses indicated in GEN 1.1.

A single change of an approved RPL shall be submitted as early as possible and not later than 30 minutes before departure in the form of FPL.


Delay messages of an approved RPL shall be submitted as early as possible and not later than 30 minutes before departure.

ATS messages

For RPL flight FPL message is submitted in accordance with ICAO Doc 4444.

Changes to The Submitted Flight Plan

All changes to a submitted flight plan shall be reported as soon as possible to the appropriate ATS unit. In the event of a delay in departure of 30 minutes or more for a flight for which a flight plan has been submitted, the flight plan shall be amended or a new flight plan shall be submitted after the old plan has been cancelled.

Arrival report (closing a flight plan)

A report of arrival shall be made at the earliest possible moment after landing to the airport office of the arrival aerodrome by any flight for which a flight plan has been submitted except when the arrival has been acknowledged by the local ATS unit. After landing at an aerodrome which is not the destination aerodrome (diversionary landing), the local ATS unit shall be specifically informed accordingly.

In the absence of a local ATS unit at the aerodrome of diversionary landing the pilot is responsible for passing the arrival report to the destination aerodrome within 30 minutes via any communication channels.

Arrival reports shall contain the following elements of information:

a. aircraft identification

b. departure aerodrome

c. destination aerodrome

d. time of arrival

In the case of diversion, insert the “arrival aerodrome” between “destination aerodrome” and “time of arrival”.

Flight Planning Dct Routes in Free Route Airspace

Within Minsk FIR during BELFRA operational hours AOs can plan trajectories using the valid significant points: five-letter name codes or radio navigation aids. Segments between the significant points shall be defined by means of DCT (Direct) instruction. There are no restrictions on MAX DCT distance.

Overflight traffic is allowed to plan directly from BELFRA entry point to BELFRA exit point. No restrictions for number of BELFRA intermediate points used.

Flight planning within BELFRA should accomplish with adjacent ATS route network orientation. AOs will be requested to plan a flight not closer than 5 NM clear of the FIR boundary. Re-entering flight plans will not be accepted. DCT routes shall adhere to air traffic flow management restrictions. DCT routing shall be indicated in item 15 of the flight plan.

Within BELFRA aircraft shall comply with the aircraft equipment requirements published in GEN 1.5. The carried equipment shall be indicated in item 10 of the flight plan.

Inside BELFRA above FL305 DCT flight planning is allowed only via BELFRA intermediate points defined in ENR 4.1 and ENR 4.4.

Within Minsk FIR below FL305 DCT flight planning is not allowed.

Cross border operation (DCT across Minsk FIR boundary) within BELFRA is not allowed.

Unlawful Interference

The following procedures are intended for use by aircraft when unlawful interference occurs and the aircraft is unable to notify an ATS unit of this fact.


Unless considerations aboard the aircraft dictate otherwise, the pilot-in-command should attempt to continue flying on the assigned track and at the assigned cruising level at least until notification to an ATS unit is possible or the aircraft is within radar coverage.

When an aircraft subjected to an act of unlawful interference must depart from its assigned track or its assigned cruising level without being able to make radiotelephony contact with ATS the pilot-in-command should, whenever possible:

Attempt to broadcast warnings on the VHF emergency frequency and other appropriate frequencies, unless considerations aboard the aircraft dictate otherwise. Other equipment such as on-board transponders, data links, etc. should also be used when it is advantageous to do so and circumstances permit.

Proceed in accordance with applicable special procedures for in-flight contingencies, where such procedures have been established and promulgated in Doc 7030 Regional Supplementary Procedures.

If no applicable regional procedures have been established, proceed at a level which differs from the cruising levels normally used for IFR flight in the area by:

a. 150 m (500 ft) in an area where a vertical separation minimum of 300 m (1000 ft) is applied.

b. 300 m (1000 ft) in an area where a vertical separation minimum of 600 m (2000 ft) is applied.


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